News ID: 909
Publish Date : 07 November 2017 - 16:17

Automotive Industry's failure in Standardization

Standardization and increasing the quality of the products is always one of the ways to succeed in any industry and automotive industry is not an exception.
Khodrocar – Last year, Iran’s National Standard Organization told that the number of automotive standard will be increased from 55 to 85 cases and also said that according to a memorandum of understanding between this organization and the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade the quality of these standards will be increased too. This has been approved by Iran’s Automotive Policy Council with the presence of the Mohammadreza Nematzadeh (the minister) and manager of National Standard Organization.

This law will be enforced by January, 2019 but the main question is: Will Iran be able to implement this decision? Does upgrading the quality of these 20 vehicles announced in the list, will increase the production and sales of these cars?

Many automotive industry experts believe that even by increasing the quality of these standards, we are still behind the gates of the global standards. 

Meanwhile, if a car can’t comply with the 61st standard by the beginning of this month, it will face the stop of the production line. This is while another two standards will be added to these 61 units since the beginning of July in the next year and if a car can’t reach those standards, their production will be stopped.

By reaching the end of 2017, the automakers only have 12 months to reach the national and global standards. We should wait and see how many of them will take advantage of this remaining time.

Negar MirKarimi/ Automotive reporter